Seller Community Forum

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5 answers
2 votes
Item view counts missing?
Has anybody else noticed that the daily item view counts on our My Bonanza page no longer populate? I still see past week views that still accumulate daily, but the daily views are all suddenly showing zero. Is this happening for everyone or jus...

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Adding templates
Hello ,I would like to know how I can add templates to my listings

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Problem with getting int'l shipping to 'stick'
Hi all, I was listing some things last night, and when I was entering the countries I'll ship to, it kept changing to 'Worldwide', which I noticed when I went back into a listing to edit something. I corrected it several times, and it did the ...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How to delete all items "ready for sale"?
Support says this can be done, but didn't say how. I don't see it under "Update items as a group." There was a botched eBay import that added text to every item title, and pulled over roughly 1300+ items that already exist, so I need to delete t...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
New panel or poster
Anyone out there good at making Banners, Posters or Panels? I need a cute one that [URL removed] NO Paypal No Trades Thanks for understanding. I am willing to pay for this to own it.

asked over 10 years ago

5 answers
0 votes
How do i put photos in a promo?
I know I used to be able to but I just don't remember how. I go the links in the ad but I think photos would really make it nicer and will go a long way to attracting buyers. Thanks so much and have a great day.

asked over 10 years ago

16 answers
3 votes
Don't understand this new shipping rating
I'm confused, just noticed and don't understand why we're being rated on handling time and delivery time. What does handling time even mean?

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is it possible to export or download my inventory as a csv file?
Mostly to track my inventory in my brick and mortar store's POS system

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
Reducing the size of the shipping label
How can I reduce the size of the shipping label? I print from the Paypal page and my printer is a HP Photosmart. Some of my items are fairly small and I dislike wrapping the label down the sides, etc. Thanks!

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How to set up new referral traffic widget
I feel kinda dumb but cannot seem to figure out what to put in the referral site box? I did what I thought was right but..... any help would be appreciated

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
How do i change the commission amount
I signed up for 13%, but would now like to reduce this 9%. When I click on the button for 9% it will not change, however I can go up. Am I locked into the 13% forever???

asked over 10 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Canceling purchase....?
how do I cancel/get rid of a purchase? buyer says they offered a different amount in a message...then what I accepted on the offer and havn't paid yet.

asked over 10 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How are items selected for listing with google shopping?
If I elect to pay a higher fee for items to be listed on Google Shopping do I get to choose which items I want to do this for or must I do it for all my items? I ask this question because on some items I can spare 9% or even 13% but on other it...

asked over 10 years ago

7 answers
0 votes
Help! Please,Explain time to me.
How did I get medium response time for my messages and gradual for my shipping time? I answer emails very quickly and ship the same day or next day if the mail lady has already come. I just want to understand how this feature works and how can it...

asked over 10 years ago

3 answers
0 votes
Need someone who can speak german, please. Is the word frish a german word?
I've got a vintage sleepy eye female doll. She's got the word Frish and then 23 after this right underneath the root of her hair at the back of the neck. Hidden within the root of her hair is a word that I cannot see. I can only make out the last ...

asked over 10 years ago

6 answers
0 votes
I need help. how do i mass change all listings posted to show no international shipping. i have looked everywhere and can't find it. need it immediately, as no intent to ship int'l. via this site. please help...thankx pauli
No other details. Just need to know if there is a way to auto run NO SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL on my site? HELP, please, in a tizz over this. A pain in the neck for the small # of sales I make on here, but like the site and don't want to leave, bu...

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Bonanza mobile alerts *
Is there an Alert for Bonanza that uses your Mobile number? Like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo! ect. Shows up on my Android whenever I get Mail or FB Updates... Please let me know! Thank You :-)

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
How are the hand pick list, picked for the front page?
I was under the impression to get your hand picked list shown on the front page. It had to have the most clicks (click through). How did this hand picked list get to the front page [URL removed] Main category Home & Garden | View count 19 | ...

asked over 10 years ago

18 answers
5 votes
Why are we being rated on delivery speed now?
Okay, I can understand the rating for Email Response Speed and Handling Speed. I as a seller have control over those two options. I have no control over how fast the post office gets the package there. I don't quite get the logic of this.

asked over 10 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Booth on vacation
Is there a banner or some way to indicate that my booth is on vacation and not gone forever?

asked over 10 years ago