I need help. how do i mass change all listings posted to show no international shipping. i have looked everywhere and can't find it. need it immediately, as no intent to ship int'l. via this site. please help...thankx pauli

No other details. Just need to know if there is a way to auto run
NO SHIPPING INTERNATIONAL on my site? HELP, please, in a tizz over this. A pain in the neck for the small # of sales I make on here, but like the site and don’t want to leave, but if this is not easily to be done, I will close both sites here. So if you can help and simplify for me, I would appreciate it. Thanks…please send message to paulibeverlyhills here…

asked over 10 years ago

6 Answers

Set the default on all items by changing your payment/purchasing options.

Go [URL removed]

Edit Booth Options (under Sell on Bonanza menu) >> Payments & purchases >> Buyer Restrictions >> check the box that says “Shoppers must have a shipping address in my country.”

SAVE your options. After that, buyers will have to live in YOUR country in order to purchase the item. Changing this setting will set the default on your items so that you don’t even have to worry about setting that option when listing a new item.

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

Here is what Tom Wayne said to do

Click on Edit Booth Options
Click on Payments and Purchases tab
Check box Shoppers must have shipping address in my country

![URL removed]

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

I left the images full size to see easier…so scroll down to move the image over…

Update items as a group..(batch edit)
![URL removed]
Shipping tab
Check circle in front of Clear International Shipping

![URL removed]

Select all items that apply (once you select some, the option to apply to all items appears)

![URL removed]

After you do so…depending on the number of items you have, it may take a few minutes to show…however, refresh page page a few times and then it will show

None specified

![URL removed]

this does not mean that someone outside US cannot still request an item..but you will have a chance to refuse or discuss it with them

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

ccmom says: November 28, 2013

don’t know why this posted twice…and can’t delete it either…

Thank you for your help. however, i am still LOST. I did what you said. I never used batch editor so I had to first figure out where to find it. Then I checked the box and now to the right of my listings it shows $0 shipping Intl. I DON’T WANT TO SHIP INTL. Afraid that buyers will now think I offer free shipping int’l. Do NOT know how to fix this. Beyond frustrated here. Reading the instructions on how to do anything here is like taking a final exam at University-too convoluted for me. Do you have any suggestions as the ony place I found I could say “no international shipping” was in About me, which buyers don’t read. I really no longer know how to use this site. I once did, but since activity here is nil for me, I’m running behind. By showing $0 to Int’l now will all buyers think Free? So confused. Thanks for yourhelp.

answered over 10 years ago


ccmom says: November 29, 2013

see Tom’s Instructions above…also never put 0 in any payment option box…

ccmom says: November 29, 2013

also…I will add the batch edit screenshots above

Pauli, did you follow Tom’s instructions above, where it says buyer’s address must be in my country?

I looked at one of your listings, and it says free shipping to Canada.

answered over 10 years ago

Hi, I had the same problem a while back. I had to remove all the shipping prices using the batch editor and then re do. Good Luck

answered over 10 years ago

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