The box is 6 inches tall, 3 inches deep and 3 inches wide. One the side is the partial US internal revenue tax stamp of 1926 series. The top of left of the stamp/sticker had to be broken through to access the cigars but the bottom or right side of the tax stamp is in good shape and firmly affixed. The latch is secure and so are the hinges and they appear to be brass. The bottom had a burnished, I believe, stamp, that states it was Factory No. 842, State of Pennsylvania. On the front center is a leaf that is burnished in the wood that states "It's Ripe Tobacco". The lid was made of 5 pieces of wood and the top has a small separation from the rest of the four sides. I would give it a dot of glue if I was keeping it but I will leave that to the buyer. The box itself appears to be dovetailed when constructed. There is a smudge on the front which is probably from a dirty thumbprint. It can be seen to the right on the photos. I would say it is pre 1930 due to the tax stamp date but that isn't decessarily the case because the tax stamps didn't change that often I think.
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