Our Adirondack Ottoman, Meets YourVarious Needs
The Adirondack Ottoman is made of durableHDPE material with corrosion-resistant 304 stainless steel screws.It's foldable for easy storage, installs in 4 steps, and features acomfortable 13-inch height with a 41-degree angle. Ideal forvarious outdoor settings.
The design of our Adirondack foot restallows for easy folding. Simply collapse the bottom support forquick storage, making it easy to carry whether you're heading tothe beach or relaxing at the campsite.
Our Adirondack foot stool providesvarious seating options, providing comfortable leg support. Withadjustable settings, you can easily find a comfortable position toenjoy your outdoor relaxation.
The folding Adirondack Ottoman ideallymatches the Adirondack chair, using 304 stainless steel screws toguard against rust. The triangular design enhances stability,providing a more secure and comfortable experience.
The Adirondack Ottoman foot rest pairsideally with your outdoor furniture, enhancing the overall relaxingatmosphere. Whether on the patio, in the garden, at the beach, oron the deck, it adds both style and comfort to your outdoorspace.