Get ready to experience the ultimate horror-thriller with "100 Ghost Street The Return Of Richard Speck" on Blu-ray. Directed by Martin Wichmann and Martin Wichmann Andersen, this movie is perfect for those who love a good investigation into the paranormal. The film features a star-studded cast including Hayley Derryberry, Adam LaFramboise, David Lindmark, and Chris Serafin among others. This unrated edition comes in a Blu-ray case and has a run time of 90 minutes. The movie is in English language and has a region code of Blu-ray: A (Americas, Southeast Asia...). Produced by Nancy Leopardi, the movie is a combination of action, adventure, drama, horror, and thriller & mystery genres. It is rated NR and has features like color and found footage. The movie is set in the United States and is perfect for those who love a good spooky story.