🪴🌿Chinese FRIENDSHIP Plant Easy Grow 🌿🪴

🪴Comes with No pot and no soil.

Packed with wet padding to keep it

Moist and alive.

☘️💕During shipment a leaf could break off but No problem, it will grow multiple more!

🪴Starter plants are grown from my large mother plant!

…. Look at all Pictures for more detail……

⛔️VASE IS PROP ONLY, not for sale

♥️♥️some pics show how they look as a mature plant.

HOW TO GROW MONEY PLANT , read below…..

🪭💰 Pilea peperomioides is the gift that keeps on giving. Also known as the Chinese Money Plant, this sought-after charmer is an (unfussy variety )that continuously produces offspring. 🪴Because it's so easy to grow🪴

🌿🪭the best situation for a Chinese money plant is indirect bright light, with no direct sunlight. Direct sun scorches leaves, and light shade may encourage larger leaves.

Note:: shells are props, not for sale.

Started plant comes rooted NO SOIL AND NO POT!

🌿🤞🏻Care and Maintenance

The Chinese money plant prefers a well-draining potting soil, and a pot with drainage holes is necessary. The soil needs to mostly dry out between waterings, with more watering required in warmer, sunnier weather. If the leaves start to look slightly droopy, that's a sign that the plant needs water.

🌿🤞🏻To keep your Chinese money plant nicely shaped, rotate it at least once a week to prevent it from getting lopsided. The large leaves tend to accumulate dust, so these plants benefit from regular showers, or at least wiping down of their leaves.

🌿🤞🏻Treat monthly with an all-purpose plant fertilizer during the spring and summer growing seasons. You may also want to put your plant outdoors as temperatures warm, but, again, take care to keep it out of direct sunlight.


✳️Payment due (1) Day After Auction Closing




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🫶Payment due (1) day after auction closing

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