3 Bay Leaf Trees, Live 3-6" Tall Sweet Bay, Grecian/True Laurel, Laurus nobilis Plant

Laurus noblis
Common Names: Bay Laurel, Bay Leaf Tree, Bay Tree, Grecian Laurel, Laurel, Laurel Tree, Sweet Bag, Sweet Bay, Tree Laurel, True Laurel
This listing is for a 3 pack of potted 3-6 Inch tall Bay Leaf Plants.

Laurus noblis is a hearty plant that prefers full to partial sun, does well in warm weathers. Bay leaf is a Mediterranean native plant that is used commonly for culinary purposes. The dried bay leaf can be added to stews or other foods for a earthy, peppery taste. This plant will require moderate pruning to keep a smaller height, otherwise the bay leaf plant can grow tall to reach 23 ft at full maturity if not pruned or kept as a hedge or in a container. would highly recommend transplanting these plants into larger pots at least one gallon pot depth if not 2 gallon pot depth within 3 months of receiving your plant. If you prefer a bushier plant, trim the upper portion of the plant for new growth to come out as two or three branches. If you prefer to grow the plant into a taller tree, remove a few of the lower leaves, tie it to a small wooden steak and allow the plant to mature to desired height before trimming tops.

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