3M ESPE Filtek Z250 A1 Compules Universal Microhybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm. Compules 6021A1.

3M ESPE Filtek Z250 A1 Compules Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative Composite 20/Pk 6021A1 introduces a state-of-the-art solution for dental restorations, expertly blending modern technology with versatility. This nano hybrid restorative composite is meticulously formulated to provide dental professionals with exceptional control and superior aesthetics, making it an essential tool for a wide range of restorative procedures.

Key Features:


3M ESPE Filtek Z250 A1 Compules 6021A1 provide the dentist with a reliable and easy-to-use restorative material for a wide range of dental procedures. The microhybrid composition, exceptional shade match, and proven durability make it a valuable addition to any dental practice, ensuring both patient satisfaction and long-term success in dental restorations.

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Manufacturer Code: 6021A1
Brand: 3M ESPE
Class: Universal composite
Curing: Light-cure
Packaging: 20 - .20 gram compules
Shade: A1