Hand Picked List: Mermaids are Real

Brought to you by Closet27
Main category Jewelry & Watches | View count 167 | Clickthrough count 9
Published on 03/04/23

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User comments on Mermaids are Real

VintageVarietyShop says: March 04, 2023

This is too cute! Super picks!

AudiLee says: March 04, 2023

I’ve always loved Mermaids, Closet. This is a swimmingly super list :D Thanks for picking my bracelet <3 That quilted art wall hanging is lovely, Tobi does such beautiful work!

Starfisher says: March 05, 2023

I agree with Audi, that wall hanging is gorgeous. Thank you so much for including one of mine in this terrific HPL!

Closet27 says: March 05, 2023

Thank you so much VintageVarietyShop ; *

Closet27 says: March 05, 2023

Me too Audi!!
Lol, thank you ; *
You’re welcome, always a pleasure..
Agreed! Tobi’s art is terrific, I’m a big fan!!

Closet27 says: March 05, 2023

Indeed Starfisher!
You’re so welcomed ; *
It’s always a pleasure to feature my Bonanza family whenever I can.
I really missed you all!!

Tobi_Collage says: March 05, 2023

Thanks for including my “Once” (short for “Once in a blue moon”!) wall hanging. And thanks also for the nice comments!

ATEHO says: March 05, 2023

Such a sweet list! Thanks for including ATEHO.

teristrunk says: March 05, 2023

Great choices! Thanks for including my jewelry set.

quadrina says: March 05, 2023

Doesn’t everyone believe in mermaids? Awesome list and thank you for including my cat’s eye ring ….. from quadrina. :)

vintagesuffolk says: March 06, 2023

This is a very nice eclectic list. Thanks for including me.

Gina_Faerie says: March 06, 2023

Very clever collection!

Closet27 says: March 07, 2023

You’re welcome Tobi_Collage!
Always a pleasure ; *

Closet27 says: March 07, 2023

Thank you ATEHO!
Always a pleasure ; *

Closet27 says: March 07, 2023

Thank you teristrunk!
You’re welcome ; *

Closet27 says: March 07, 2023

I hope so quadrina! Lol!!
You’re welcome, always a pleasure ; *
Thank you..

Closet27 says: March 07, 2023

Thank you vintagesuffolk ; *
Always a pleasure..

Closet27 says: March 07, 2023

Thank you Gina!

jewelrymandave says: March 07, 2023

Thank you for including my “Lucky Penny Holder” Charm in your awesome HPL!

OVYEE says: March 07, 2023

Sooo Sweet,The Fantasy and Magical Colors of the Display~OVYEE jewels

Closet27 says: March 09, 2023

You’re welcome jewelrymandave,
Always a pleasure..

Closet27 says: March 09, 2023

Thank you OVYEE!