What am i doing wrong?

just need a little insight on what I may be doing wrong…I really would “LOVE” to get away from Ebay all together but I just cant seem to sell anything on Bonanza.
I am currently a gold member and have 120 items listed.these items are unique and I feel I have most of them reasonably priced.i have been a member for almost 2 months with zero sales..
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

asked almost 10 years ago


lucille38 says: July 11, 2014

I have the same question

anchorhaven says: July 12, 2014

Hi, you need to actively promote you booth online, as if you would a website. Bonanza does not have the same kind of advertising as ebay.

3 Answers

I sent you a message.

answered almost 10 years ago

I would just do the free store. I’ve been here since 2008, and use to do super well without paying for a shop. Yes, I agree that you have to promote. and do not stop.

Much Success!

answered almost 10 years ago

I’m not sure advertising your booth would work in your case. Say I saw an ad on a completely different, non-buying/selling site that said “check out lisa chan’s bonanza booth.” If I clicked on it and looked at your booth, I don’t think I would find anything I wanted. I don’t think you would get a lot of “impulse” purchases.

Your items seem more buyer specific and would probably be slow sellers regardless of the venue or amount of advertising. You’re gonna have to wait for your certain buyer to find your items, so I wouldn’t pay anything or waste any extra time advertising. Take a look at my booth and ask yourself, “if I clicked this booth just browsing, would I find anything that I had to buy?” The answer is no.

[URL removed] I’m no expert, but your most expensive item, the “Meakin”, I do not think is a chamber pot. It looks more like the large canister from a 3 canister set. Chamber pots are more squat in stature, like a soup tureen.

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 28
See Weblotz's booth
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Viewed: 1478 times

Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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