How can i create shipping "exclution list"?

I’m going through my booth and editing all the mixed up imported html, basically I ship anywhere but I do have a few destinations I cannot ship to. how do I exclude those to avoid buyer frustration?

p.s- sitting here across the ocean morning the loss of the beloved Robin Williams. RIP.

asked almost 10 years ago

1 Answer

When making a listing (or in Update Items as a group…Shipping) you can select the places you will ship to among these [URL removed]

N. and S. America
United Kingdom

The only way to exclude countries is by not selecting the area, country or region from among these.

Since you are in another country though, I am assuming that these options are the same you as they are for US sellers (I ship to N. America, but I do not have to select the option, since I live here…if that makes sense) I do not ship to S. America though

However, note that if a country outside of you selection tries to purchase an item, it will come to you as an offer for you to make a go by on a case by case basis…you can add in the shipping cost and accept the offer or deny it out right

I too was quite caught off guard about Robin Williams, spent a bit of time just stunned

answered almost 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


CollectingTrends says: August 12, 2014

Thanks ccmom, but my problem is I do ship to Asia, but can’t ship to certain countries in Asia due to lack of diplomatic whatever between our countries. so what if a buyer from saudi arabia, or lebanon (and it happened to me – believe it or not we ended up meeting in the border…)

ccmom says: August 12, 2014

Unfortunately those are the only options…You can check, Do not ship, but like I said countries in the area can still send you Offers…you may have to put statement in listings

ccmom says: August 12, 2014

You may have to set your booth up to accept offers and block Asia, then decide which you can accept and which you have to deny..

CollectingTrends says: August 12, 2014

thanks ccmom. I’ll leave it as it is for now. maybe we will have some more shipping options in the future!!

ccmom says: August 12, 2014

These have been the options since the beginning of Bonanzle (Bonanza), but you can always make the suggestion [URL removed] [URL removed]

CollectingTrends says: August 12, 2014

I did! twice!

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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