Ever since they made changes. The links are soooo slow, pictures come and go and that thing says can’t find page requested. but I click on one of my listings and wait for it thats not good and other links like vew booth stats upload your booth all just so slow.
Roses_Quilts_Gifts Reputation: 22 See Roses_Quilts_Gifts' booth |
Thanks for your question. Our developer team is aware of certain aspects of Bonanza that are loading slowly, and they are actively working to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
BonanzaBrandon Reputation: 283 See BonanzaBrandon's booth |
Yes, it has been for weeks. Usually I cannot even get pictures to load at all. It’s the cloudflare security that is causing it and is really aggravating.
lostplanet Reputation: 90 See lostplanet's booth |
We are brand new here and have had images vanish off and on since we started.
And of course, everything is so slow.
We really wanted this to work but it is torture.
Thank_You_Cards Reputation: 120 See Thank_You_Cards' booth |
We are paying fees for our accounts and the images are not showing. What is going on Bonanza? What are you up to?? Stop changing things around. Fix it!
theaboo1961 Reputation: 20 See theaboo1961's booth |
Viewed: 399 times
Asked: over 1 year ago
Latest response: about 1 year ago
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