What is your "reputation" # or rating directly tied to?

Is it…

A) # of questions or total posts
B) popularity of posts (votes)
C) old roundtable stuff

If it is C, then why was it not changed when the forum format was changed to a community Q&A? That’s like saying no band can ever be better than the rolling stones as long as they’re still playing.

Statistically, there has to be a smartest man in the world. If that smartest guy joined Bonanza today and started answering questions, concisely & perfectly, should he not be able to, at some point, have the highest Bonanza reputation? If answer “C” had anything to do with it, that would mean the best answerer in the world could never have a higher reputation than somebody who answered a few roundtable questions years ago “pretty good” that don’t even exist anymore?

If the roundtable stuff does not exist anymore, why does the reputation that is a direct result of that still exist? Why should it still carry any weight?

asked over 10 years ago

Reputation: 28
See Weblotz's booth

1 Comment

CindyBear says: January 30, 2014

it was C, but now according to support, it is to vote on accurracy of the answer or the best answer to the question

2 Answers

I agree with you 100%. This was a part of the roundtable, C, which no longer exists.
I made a suggestion in Bonanza feedback back in May, but I do not know if Feedback is viable any longer, or if support even looks at it.

Copy and paste of suggestion.
[URL removed]

Get Rid of the Arrows in Community Help & the Reputation Score, Very Distracting & Difficult to Follow

The arrows make it impossible to follow a thread coherently. In addition, if an incorrect response is given, and the user votes it up, the responses are out of order. The reputation score is meaningless, did not start on an equal playing field with the new format, and may scare new users away from asking for Community Help. Members should be able to ask for help, be able to read answers in order of being answered, and not have to worry about reputation.

answered over 10 years ago


TreasureHaven says: January 30, 2014


TreasureHaven says: January 30, 2014

I have not post anymore for fear of receiving a negative except right here I did. I’d rather someone comment to me on why they felt my commnent was incorrect than feel publicly humiliated. And I’d also like to be able to delete/edit a comment like if I needed to do that with this comment here.

I’m now scared of asking for community help. I’m not 100% positive that this is directly related, but prior to asking this question, my traffic & views were soaring exponentially through the roof. Immediately, like an hour or two, following this question, my traffic flat lined to almost non-existent traffic/views.

I guess if I want to sell anything, I best not ask too many questions.

Also, I like the badges idea, but it’s the same problem. Certain users, for no other fact than that they were here longer, have badges that I can never earn as a new users, such as “Tagger” or “Curator.”

I asked somebody with a “curator” badge how they got it and what I could do to get one. The answer was “I have it, I can’t remember how I got it, all I know is that you can’t get it now.”

Well, like the reputation rating #, as a new user, I feel this is also creating an unlevel playing field for myself. I feel like if you’re going to discontinue the program, get rid of the badges as well.

The people that have them can’t even remember how they got them, so why would they miss them? If they don’t mean anything anymore, why are they still there staring me in the face like you can’t have this?

I like the idea of badges, just give me an equal opportunity to earn them.

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 28
See Weblotz's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 1350 times

Asked: over 10 years ago

Latest response: over 10 years ago

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