Updated items not showing up in booth. advice please!

I updated all my items 4 hours ago. This is the message I received.
“Just letting you know…
Your booth has been successfully updated! Your items will be searchable to buyers within the next few hours.”

Also, I put is ALL the atributes for my products, but they state incomplete.
Can anyone here submit advise? Thanks!


asked over 2 years ago

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi @Northeast_Pennants! Our developer team identified a slight change made on eBay’s side that resulted in us not being able to import all items as complete. We’ve since made the necessary adjustments on our end to fix the issue. Listings should now import successfully on your next import. If your importer is not schedule to run again automatically, we recommend initiating a new import.
Please let us know if you have any questions or run into any trouble while onboarding. Our team is always glad to assist at support @bonanza.com. Happy Selling!

answered over 2 years ago

I have been having issues the past few months with this same issue. Some items import from eBay and others don’t or they import and put in the “Incomplete Items” section. Most of the time I will just click Edit for each of those items – scroll to the bottom and click Submit – this would make them Active without any changes or edits. This seemed to work for a while but now many are showing up as “Incomplete Items” because there is no price indicated for the item as it just shows $0.00. This isn’t a big deal when 5-10 items, I can Edit and put in a price by looking the item up in eBay and matching the listing that was imported. That was working good until today when I decided to let the Bonanza importer check and revise all items since I have changed prices on eBay for many items. Once the importer was done only 1/3 of the 6400 listings imported properly and the others went to “Incomplete Items” with no pricing. So, tried it again and now only almost 5700 of the items came back and placed in the “Incomplete Items”. I’ve reached out to CS several times with no fixes and no message back in almost 1 month. Not sure what to do other than doing full Import of Items and hopefully it will work to get the majority back in the Booth.

answered over 2 years ago

1 Comment

achobbies says: November 09, 2022

I’ve been having the problem on my ebay imports with the price not coming through and they end up in the incomplete file

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