USPS holiday delivery deadlines

USPS Christmas deadlines. Not guaranteed to delivery in time for Christmas but a good estimate to go by according to USPS.

Nov. 6 – APO/FPO/DPO (all ZIP Codes) USPS Retail Ground®
Dec. 4 – APO/FPO/DPO (ZIP Code 093 only) Priority Mail® and First-Class Mail®
Dec. 11 – APO/FPO/DPO (all other ZIP Codes) Priority Mail and First-Class Mail
Dec. 14 – USPS Retail Ground
Dec. 18 – APO/FPO/DPO (except ZIP Code 093) USPS Priority Mail Express®
Dec. 20 – First-Class Mail (including greeting cards)
Dec. 20 – First-class packages (up to 15.99 ounces)
Dec. 20 – Hawaii to mainland Priority Mail and First-Class Mail
Dec. 20 – Priority Mail
Dec. 20 – Alaska to mainland Priority Mail and First-Class Mail
Dec. 22 – Alaska to mainland Priority Mail Express
Dec. 22 – Hawaii to mainland Priority Mail Express
Dec. 22 – Priority Mail Express

Here’s the link for the info given [URL removed]
[URL removed]

asked about 6 years ago


TrinketBox says: December 14, 2018

thanks..I usually try to message potential buyers to aim for the 15th and try not to buy past the 18th…that gives a small leeway for those that think the 15th means the 18th and the 18th means the 20th…

ib30667 says: December 14, 2018

Thank you! Good to know!!

EmpressDepot says: December 14, 2018

You are welcome.

EmpressDepot says: December 14, 2018

Cindy, I was thinking the same thing…..deadline by the 18th even by priority other than for express…but definitely not on parcel post mail. I’ve noticed this week here that the USPS is running a day late for the most part on their mail.

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