Question (again) - is there a 'rug beater' still out there?

You remember, these things we used to beat our rugs with back in the days
in the snow, or hanging over a rod and then beat the sh… aehm… DUST out of them?
(It was a rod especially installed for cleaning these huge rugs)
But I’m looking for the ‘beater’ if it’s called that way. Don’t know.

Thinking about a broom, but I’m sure that doesn’t do the trick well enough.
After renovating my house I have to clean all my precious rugs.
Yet of course NOT with chemicals in a dry cleaning.

I would lay them out in the rain, but … (although I know it works real good)
But then I’d need something like a huge rost (or roast? Planks with space in between them) to lay them on.

I can hang them over the rails of my dock … but I need a ‘beater’???

Where can I find one? Any ideas?

asked over 13 years ago

1 Comment

BillS902 says: January 28, 2021

Yeah, it is old school. I have always had so many rugs at my house. I think that they make everything cozy.

25 Answers

I remember those rug beaters. My mother used to chase us with them if we did something wrong. If she caught us, then we got the rug beating. Oh well, those memories…….

answered over 13 years ago

Oh Texas – LOL, I didn’t get chased, I always was frozen wouldn’t have DAREd to run away.
Boy did I get beaten with them rug beaters and then also with wooden
cooking stirring spoons….
I soooo wished to be a boy, they could do what they wanted… almost.

answered over 13 years ago

Im an old rug beater
and I only charge $28.65 an Hour,
plus travel expense, but
I supply the tools.


answered over 13 years ago

Richard, Reksplace, come on over.
I’ll pay you because my back doesn’t let me do it anymore

answered over 13 years ago

[URL removed] removed]

Plus theres lots of them on GPS…search Rug beater.

answered over 13 years ago

Yep, the old rug beaters are still readily available on the secondary market. They used to be patterned, so people are using them as wall decor these days. Should be a pretty easy pickup. Have fun with all the rugs.

answered over 13 years ago

I probably have one in my garage, that I can list. They typically sell in my B&M store for around $14.00

answered over 13 years ago

I found some here just type in Vintage Rug Beaters

answered over 13 years ago

You can google Antique rug beater and find everything from Victorian to bamboo ones. Most are not that expensive, but neat looking

answered over 13 years ago

I’ve seen two different styles online of the beaters by themselves. The first one is wire.

[URL removed] removed]

The second one is rattan, like the material wicker chairs are made from.

[URL removed] removed]

Haven’t seen a rod for sale, though. We used to use our clothesline supported by metal prop rods.

answered over 13 years ago

I have an old one…probably 80+ years ago.

HMMMmmmmmm, never thought to sell it!

answered over 13 years ago

I remember them well. I used to beat my landlady’s rugs when I lived over in Germany with one. Those were the days. ;D

answered over 13 years ago

Reputation: 972
See debdoll's booth

I have a couple of them from years gone by.

answered over 13 years ago

Actually I have one hanging in my kitchen for decoration. If interested, I’ll put it in my booth so you can take a look at it. I got mine at an auction here in NH. I’ve seen them many times at antique auctions.

answered over 13 years ago

I have a small one in my Vintage Shasta 1963 Trailer, I could sell it to you if you like, please message me.

It may not be an antique one though, I can’t remember where I got it.

Smiles, Cyndi

answered over 13 years ago

I’ve seen people use tennis rackets! Why not? Cheap and easy…

answered over 13 years ago

Heck, My Mom always just hung them on the clothes line and beat the living cr*p out of them with a broom. I guess it took out all her aggressions on the rug instead of us brats…LOL

answered over 13 years ago

I took my two antique rugs out and hosed them down. I even added Pine Sol. They both survived! I was shocked!! I just draped them over my patio chairs and they dried in the sun.

answered over 13 years ago

I have two of them- twisted wire on a wooden handle, antiques- now where did I put them…?

answered over 13 years ago

Katzcar still has one (I just checked) – [URL removed] Tell her I sent u! ;)

answered over 13 years ago

Reputation: 100
See annimae's booth

Yeah, it is old school. I have always had so many rugs at my house. I think that they make everything cozy

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 32

I also remember those rug beaters. I was a kid. My mother asked me to beat all the rugs at home. We had a lot. I hated all of them. It took me a whole day to deal with their beating. Nevertheless, I saw modern rugs on [URL removed] . I liked one so much, so I had to buy it. I don’t

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 18

As far as I understand, our main task is to remove all the dust from the rugs without the use of chemicals? Well .. It seems to me that such a gadget will do the best – [URL removed] It has good absorbency and does not need much effort. I do this cleaning from time to time as a preventive measure.

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

Well last month I decided to invest on a pro rug cleaning. My luxury antique rugs was cleaned by Cyrus Artisan Rugs at St. Paul – [URL removed] . I saw that they are using traditional way of cleaning by using a rug beater u r finding.

Maybe you can contact your local rug stores and ask if where can you find trad rug beaters. Alternatively, you can create on of those by doing DIY.

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

Thinking about a broom, but I’m sure that doesn’t do the trick well enough.
After renovating my house I have to clean all my precious rugs.
Yet of course NOT with chemicals in a dry cleaning.

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answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 46
Question Vitals

Viewed: 9267 times

Asked: over 13 years ago

Latest response: over 3 years ago

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