There are too many misconceptions about this website. I am subscribed to the Bonanza Facebook page & occasionally skim the comments on various posts. so many times there are comments from disgruntled customers who had a negative experience & proceed to write off the entire site, except this is not a seller, rather a host site for individual sellers, this is just a selling platform like any other online venue. But a lot of people say they will never shop with Bonanza again, the comment I just read stated “I will be blogging everywhere about this” so basically this person is/has been smearing this entire website because of their bad experience with one seller. Another comment was “I’m disappointed in Bonanza I received the wrong item” okay again people are not purchasing from Bonanza!! I can only imagine how many people have had similar reactions to poor sellers & thusly went around disparaging this entire site. This really needs to be clarified. word of mouth can be powerful, this may be part of why some think this is a scam site, people running around & instead of disparaging a seller they bought from, they tell everyone they know they bought something off Bonanza & it was a horrible experience! find this very frustrating. I’ve had terrible experiences on eBay but I write off the SELLER, not the entire site!
Jewelsbelegance Reputation: 307 See Jewelsbelegance's booth |
Honestly, if we’re being realistic, I don’t think there’s a “fix” for this. At the risk of sounding rude, I’d say we have to just understand and accept that we can’t make all buyers “smart” and there will always be those who don’t understand whom it is they’re buying from. Just like we can’t make them read descriptions, ask questions before purchasing, or any of the other things that are their responsibility. They aren’t going to do it. It’s just something we all have to live with. :-/
RummageRampage Reputation: 301 See RummageRampage's booth |
All accurate comments, but I think the one made by RummageRampage is the most useful. It’s cathartic to vent, but then we move on and deal with it. We learn to change what we can, accept what we can’t, and learn to tell the difference, lol.
Have a good afternoon everyone! :-)
Bead Tonic
“Beadified Handmades, Graphics, Art”
“Embellishments for your crafting, your space & you!”
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BeadTonic Reputation: 121 See BeadTonic's booth |
This sort of thing happens all the time, buyers bash the whole site rather than blaming a particular seller and it happens on other selling venues as well…have seen it time & time again for eBay, Etsy and others…
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mrsdutch1001 Reputation: 274 See mrsdutch1001's booth |
I think part of this problem – the bad-mouthing – comes from the big push on “it’s all about the buyer”, when in fact, that shouldn’t be true at all. It’s a 50-50 thing. Until the internet, the common creed was “buyer beware”. And if you had a problem with a seller, you went to the seller, not the whole world. If it was bad, there’s a Better Business Bureau, or legal remedies, etc. Now this attitude of “attack and destroy” has been fostered and people seem to enjoy running wild with it – sad.
And what really stuns me is how quick people are to run their mouths (through their keyboards) when they have a gripe – and this applies to anything, not just selling – but when they’ve had a really good experience do they go yapping about that? Heck no! That would mean being nice, and that just seems to be out of vogue these days.
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maydamart Reputation: 281 See maydamart's booth |
BONANA SELLER SCAMMED ME BY QUICKLY TAKING MY $ 190 not honoring my purchase. As consumer you must have faith in the integrity of Bonanza WHO RECOMMENDS YOU BUY FROM THEIR SELLERS. As a consumer you don’t have recourse when you are cheated. What you do get is UPSET and aggravation and loss of time trying to get you money back. SO SAVE YOURSELF THE LOSS…STAY AWAY FROM BONANZA.
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Thomas_crotty Reputation: 12 |
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Latest response: about 8 years ago
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