Is there a way to do this?

I’m trying to Delete an item, but I’d like to be able to remain in my custom category instead of going to “Update all booth items” or “Add/Edit Items”. Both of those choices seem to toss my 300+ items into a jumble and then I have to sort and search for the item to delete.

There has to be a way if I see, for instance, a duplicate listing in my Valentine category that I can just delete the duplicate on the fly.

Anyone know?

asked over 10 years ago

5 Answers

You could put the items you want to delete on reserve, then go to update item as a group and delete them. You can put them on reserve while viewing them in your booth. Still multiple steps, but that is one way to solve your search issue.

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth


xxloversleap says: February 05, 2014

Thank…more or less what I’m looking for! Does reserve remove the items from view?

xxloversleap says: February 05, 2014

Slick! This is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for—Thanks!

not really understanding question..

but no the only way to delete is in the edit screen or update screen..

however you can use the Search Booth for Valentine in the edit screen and only items with Valentine will be there and work from that

or in the Update Items Screen use the Add New Filter (small blue link right above the item list) and pull up all items with Valentine (it will also allow to pull up items in the site categories..don’t know about custom categories)

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

1 Comment

xxloversleap says: February 04, 2014

Thanks, ccmom!

I was having issues yesterday with the Edit Item page. Every time I would delete an item, an error message would come up, and it would send me to the home page, so I’d have to click back into edit page, and then have to click again to get to the page I was editing. I deleted 9 items, so I had to do all this over again 9 times. At least it did delete the items.

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

xxloversleap says: February 04, 2014

Thansk Chestoftreasures!

Remove the price from your item and it will go to the end of your list of items.

answered over 10 years ago

Reputation: 72
See daffs60's booth

1 Comment

xxloversleap says: February 05, 2014

I didn’t realize I could do that. Thanks, daffs!

Nobody got a simple answer to DELETE an item. I am having the same problem.

answered about 10 years ago

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Asked: over 10 years ago

Latest response: about 10 years ago

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