I am confused on us being worldwide?

I am confuzzled.

Yes, I am going to take the bite and ask even though I’m sure the answer is obvious…but not to me.

I thought we were already worldwide since sellers can offer shipping to “all” countries? As far as I’ve known in the past we’ve been able to ship worldwide, isn’t this right?

Thanks from Sharon.

asked almost 2 years ago


HotCornDiggity says: March 17, 2023

You are right. New ownership now, with a new name which is also their way of re-branding. Hopefully any other changes coming with will be good ones!

EmpressDepot says: March 17, 2023

I am still confuzzled. Had not thought about it but should have posted in the blog…thanks for trying you all. I’m gonna comment in there if still open just in case you want to look.

NecktieGuy says: March 18, 2023

Maybe with International in the name, Bonz might hook up with a PirateShip or such.

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello Sharon,

Thanks for your question. I think I can shed some light on this topic for you. While Bonanza is indeed under new ownership, with a new company name, the big changes that we have in store are going to take some time. Sellers have always been able to sell and ship their products to buyers all over the world, so nothing has been changed in that regard. I would recommend keeping an eye on the Bonanza blog page for future updates as we roll out new public facing features.


answered almost 2 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: March 21, 2023

Thanks Brandon. Yes, Shelly said in the comments on the blog that where the “worldwide” comes in at is that Quincy gave Bonanza this name…. so it’s Bonanza Worldwide now rather than just Bonanza. This is the way I understood Shelly.

On a funny note, will Bill still be keeping his booth open? lol. Just had to ask with humor.

answered almost 2 years ago


BonanzaShelly says: March 21, 2023

I bet he does!

EmpressDepot says: March 23, 2023

I bet u r right!!

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