Antique toys & pianos for children in the 21st century?

The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission), is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products, musical instruments, toys and wooden antique pianos for children.

Are there exceptions in the 21st century from the current toy recall list?
Do wood pianos and wooden toys for a child offer the risk of injury?
Are the keys to a childs’ wood piano painted with lead?

Your expertise advice is greatly appreciated!

asked almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

1 Comment

BillS902 says: February 23, 2021

In my opinion, that is rather strange idea. It is much better for children to play with new technological toys

4 Answers

Toy blocks are indeed a fun and safe item.
Thank you

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

I have 4 kids, personally blocks are about the safest toys. I also have old style metal truck toys because they can stand a few tosses down the steps, dirt, mud and take a beating. I don’t think I should be told what I am aloud to buy and what I am not aloud to buy.

The same thing happend with the testing of clothing which left alot of crafters out of business, because they did not have the means to pay for the testing that needed down.

Slap all the warning you want on a product, but leave common sense to the people who are raising the child.

If people were not so sue happy this kind of stuff wouldn’t be put into place.

Just an opinion~

answered almost 15 years ago

In my opinion, that is rather strange idea. It is much better for children to play with new technological toys

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 32

That should be a personal decision of each parent. Some toddlers like to lick and bite everything. So, they can easily choke on these toys. I did not have such a problem with my baby. But I know there are a lot of brands that produce high-quality toys for kids. They choose friendly materials and forms. In one of the preschools Brooklyn [URL removed] where my kid goes to there are lots of such toys. So, parents can be sure their kids are safe. The choice of the daycare is one of the most responsible steps ever. So, I truly recommend you to pay attention to such details when you are making that decision!

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 18
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Viewed: 4458 times

Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: about 4 years ago

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