I am after brand new and sealed blue aquos bakutin with the picture of preyas on it does anyone know where i can get one i live in australia?

I was hoping someone might know where I can purchase a brand new and sealed blue aquos bakutin with the picture of preyas on it as I live in Australia and can’t find one anywhere even online so far I’ve stuck out. It is for my little boy’s birthday this is what he was desperatly asking for he has cystic Fibrosis and had been sick lately so I was hoping to cheer him up by giving this to him for his birthday. I hope someone can help me….

asked about 14 years ago

Reputation: 12
5 Answers

Try this link from google shopping. There are some here but not Preyas. Perhaps someone here who has it but not listed will contact you.

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answered about 14 years ago

[URL removed]

answered about 14 years ago

Good luck… let us know if you got it.

answered about 14 years ago

found one

[URL removed]

answered about 14 years ago

Thanks for all the responses as it is the hexagonal container I am after I have not found one available to me… I came close – I found one in New Zealand but they will NOT post it to Austarlia. So if anyone has more luck than me can they please let me know. I will keep every one updated. I had originally found one on this site and I stayed up till the wee hours down here for 2 nights to try to organize to buy it from a lady on here from the US but she must have sold it while I was trying to get a hold of her. Willing to try any suggestions once again thanks very much for your responses so far I really appricate it more than I can say….

answered about 14 years ago

Reputation: 12
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Viewed: 3685 times

Asked: about 14 years ago

Latest response: about 14 years ago

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