Does anyone know about coins?

I have some old coins in the blue I think it is called collector book? The coins I have are from 1909 to 1961.
Some of the books have more coins than the others. Can someone help me? I would like to sell them but have on ideal where to turn. Thanks.

asked almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 14
See cpj920's booth
9 Answers

reksplacd36 for sure and research, research. Sounds like you have some awesme coins. visit Rek!

answered almost 15 years ago

Thanks Montrose for introducing me…I am Prospector John In Cooper Landing Alaska and I have been collecting coins for over fifty years and I buy and sell a lot of coins….I maybe able to give you some assistance…Need to know basically what kind of coin penny nickel quarter etc….and I could give you some general wholesale retail prices..For instance if you have a lot of flying eagle cents and as long as you can read the dates and wording each one is worth at least 28 dollars…more for better grades and I could help you know if you have better grades I could do the same with your half cents and any other coin all the way to the silver dollar …..thanks John

answered almost 15 years ago

Go to reksplace36. He’s an expert about coins.

answered almost 15 years ago

We also have the Prospector John in Cooper Landing Alaska recently joined our community with his bio introduction at >

[URL removed]

Take a moment to inquire directly at his booth next >

[URL removed]

Hope this helps and good lucK.

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

There are many people here that know about coins.
Reksplace knows alot! Go into Forum Items wanted.
You will find him there. He is looking for coins before 1965.
He is very knowledgeable.
Good Luck

answered almost 15 years ago

You might also want to check with George’s Coins.

answered almost 15 years ago


answered almost 15 years ago

Contact me. If you have good clear scans/photos it would be very helpful. If not, a detailed description will give a start. One way or the other though, whomever you take advice from should see the items in hand as it will be impossible to put a reasonable value otherwise.

The truth is, the chances of your items being of great value are quite slim but stranger occurences have happened.

Mike Raley
Double R Coins

answered almost 15 years ago

Reputation: 14
See DoubleR's booth

Hey there CPJ,

I would help you ID your coins! I’d love doing it…keeps me off the streets at night, etc…But, like someone else said, ‘We would need a lot more detail to tell you what is what’. For instance, what type of metal is it made from [bronze, nickle, silver and gold], the denomination [value;1/2, 1, 2, 3 [that’s right, we had 3 cent coins—2 of them BTW], 10, 20 [another hard to find and scarce coin] 25, 50 and 100 cent coins [or, silver OR gold coins]. Also, in gold [which I hope you have!]—the $1, $2 1/2, $3 [yup, it’s true!],$4 [the Stella, one of THE rarest of all our coins!], $5, $10, and $20 denominations. So, geez—now you have me all excited about your coin find! So, yes—please do let us know! I get several, up-to-date publications on numismatics and values—so, I could also give you a pretty accurate clue on prices you could expect—should you still want to sell them off.
eagerly & anxious,

answered almost 15 years ago

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Asked: almost 15 years ago

Latest response: almost 15 years ago

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