I would like to have the advanced detail show up on each of my bonanzle listings. Right now you have to click on the advance detail to view them. How can I change that? Or can I?
ToBeContinued Reputation: 44 See ToBeContinued's booth |
I’ve noticed that once I click on ‘advanced details’ it is open in any other booth I visit. If I leave Bonanzle and then log back in it is closed. Perhaps that is happening?
jacksplace Reputation: 50 See jacksplace's booth |
Mom’s nails the answer again!
Maybe a little note should be added just above these features that require a click………
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wallyh Reputation: 387 See wallyh's booth |
If it is closed by default then why do I sometimes find it allready on when I visit other booths. And also in my booth it will automatically be on. But other times it isn’t. That is why I am asking this question.
I believe your right JacksPlace, now that you mentioned it, I bet that is what is happening. When I have it opened it stays that way on my booth and other booths until I log out and when I log back in, it is closed again. That makes since.
Thanks for all the answers!!
ToBeContinued Reputation: 44 See ToBeContinued's booth |
Sometimes I see it open, and other times I have to click it to open it. I guess it never really bothered me about that as long as the words are there, and they are clickable.
You might have to ask support about this, or explain to them what you are experiencing. They could probably better aid you with this.
LilacsNDreams Reputation: 84 See LilacsNDreams' booth |
Viewed: 4306 times
Asked: almost 15 years ago
Latest response: almost 15 years ago
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