Importing from ebay

I am a new seller and am struggling on importing from eBay. I tried an import and many of my items did not come over and the ones that did only had one photo. So I manually added a few listings by copying them exactly from Ebay and added more photos to the few that did import.

My question is – I just relisted some items on eBay and scheduled them to go live over the next few days. I want to sell them on Bonanza also. If I do an import now, will it bring over the scheduled ones or only the active ones? Will it possibly override the ones I added manually on Bonanza as it does not recognize them? If I put these items in reserve on Bonanza will that keep them from being overridden?

It looks like others have had problems with only one photo coming over. Is that still a problem? I contacted support on some importing questions but did not get an answer back on that. They did suggest I enter items manually if I am worried about overriding my items. I’m a small seller, but that seems like way too much work.

I’d appreciate advice from any of you on setting up imports and suggestions on what works for you on handling the eBay side of it.

asked over 5 years ago

1 Answer

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi @ciboutique,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusion. The importer will only copy your active eBay listings to Bonanza. If you have the sync turned on, we will continue to import newly listed or activated items in subsequent syncs. If you add the same items manually, you will have duplicate items in your booth since the importer will copy those listings over once they are active on eBay.

Note that if you want to copy your “unsold” items to Bonanza, you will need to select that option in your import settings prior to initiating the import.

In order to keep the importer running smoothly, we will only import the main image. The remaining alternative images will be copied to your listings within 24 hours.

We recommend having a look at our eBay importer help page, which answers many frequently asked [URL removed]

Please let us know at [email protected] if you have additional questions about importing items!

answered over 5 years ago

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Viewed: 4125 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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