Why buyers don't leave feedback?

What can I do?

asked almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12
See somowin's booth


krogerfan says: December 18, 2019

Buyers have no time to spend on feedbacks, and sometimes they don’t know where to leave their feedback. But sellers should educate the importance of feedback to the stores. Most of the top companies Kroger, homedepot, are grabbing the customers towards the feedback with survey prize. We can win $50

krogerfan says: December 18, 2019

Buyers have no time to spend on feedbacks, and sometimes they don’t know where to leave feedback. But sellers should educate the importance of feedback to the stores. We can win $5k by taking the Kroger survey 2020 [URL removed] . Kroger is the top supermarket in the USA.

AnnB1074 says: January 10, 2022

[URL removed]

27 Answers

Never did get a whole lot of feedback on this site (but I always leave it for the buyer). If it is feedback you need, buy something from me and I will be sure to leave it for you (Ha-Ha). I never hold the buyers hostage by waiting for my feedback before leaving it for them. Heck, dont even get much back on the auction site either but that feedback is worthless anyway because they pretty much made it a one way street for sellers anywho.

Regarding Bonanza sends fb reminder, I think you can turn that reminder feature off (but I dont remember where) as I recall doing that not wanting to disturb the buyer as I respect their privacy. I believe a lot of buyers here dont come to Bonz as a destination but thru a outside search and they may never return just to send you feedback.

Best of luck with your sales.

answered almost 8 years ago

Feedback is optional and ultimately up to the individual to leave so it is not mandatory or automatic.

Feedback for new buyers that have not made an account is difficult to find unless they still have the sale notification from bonanza in their email. If they do they can use the link in that email to see the transaction and click on leave feedback.

If they registered then they can log in to their account, but it still is not a one click access function to complete. Most might not bother.

Bottom line, if you prefer to contact a buyer about feedback it is your own personal choice as well. You could mention feedback or endorsements as other great avenues to express thoughts about a transaction for buyers and sellers in the thank you message that can be automatically set up.

My tip is to create an after sale message for buyers that can be automatically sent after making a sale. A simple “Thank you” message goes a long way towards customer service.

You can create one under Edit Booth Settings >> Payments and purchases

Scroll down to the After sale message check the box, select one of the sending options such as immediate, one day, one week and then type in your text. Clicking on preview below the box will show your example message. ![URL removed]

Here’s an example of a little question I pose at the end of my message to the [URL removed]

“Did you know that Feedback and Endorsements are great avenues that sellers adore from customers and have the ability to trigger dance parties?”

Why be ordinary, right? ![URL removed]

answered almost 8 years ago


ImranA117 says: May 03, 2020

Very imoressive deals. cheak it out ess-kroger.us for more

garxu21 says: April 03, 2022

Thank you for visiting here. [URL removed]

Horrmyjons308 says: April 11, 2022
Click here Shell Canada Survey
Horrmyjons308 says: April 11, 2022
Shell Canada Survey
undertess146 says: April 21, 2022

[URL removed]

What can I do?” – Nothing!

Please, don’t do anything! Don’t even ask politely Your Buyers to leave You feedback – it’s their choice to write it or not.
It wouldn’t be proper to contact them with this request, since they decided not to leave any comment.

Also, keep in mind that usually no feedback means buyer’s good experience with the particular seller. So, with 40 transactions on Bonanza and 5 fb, You are doing well.

BTW, I think Bonanza sends fb reminder, so it’s one more reason not to bother Your customers again.

Good luck, I wish You a lot of sales!

answered almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

undertess146 says: April 21, 2022

[URL removed]

I agree with all of the above.

What i will do tho…when the sale first comes thru, there is a section where you can write and thank the customer, I write them and thank them for the order, tell them when it will ship, and include at the end that if they get a moment after receiving their product if they wouldn’t mind to please come back and leave me feedback as this helps greatly with my business.

And thats it. then it is up to them. I dont understand people that hound buyers for feedback. I am in it for the sales, not the feedback. Yes, i want the customer happy and will do everything i can to make sure they are, and if that includes them not leaving fb, then so be it.

I also have to mention I have return customers that dont leave feedback which is just fine with me.

My thought on all this……You dont walk into wal-mart or a grocery store and leave feedback for them do you? if we had to do that, how many times would we go back??

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

People who look at a sellers feedback aren’t generally looking for a long list of positive feed backs, they are looking for your negative feedback and why you got it. Sell a good product, give excellent customer service and resolve any customer complaints quickly. One negative feedback carries more weight that many positive feed backs. Strive for zero negative feed backs, not a bazillion positives.

answered almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

undertess146 says: April 21, 2022

I never ask, I never remind and I will not leave it when asked sorry, just the way I am…

Do good, give good customer service, if they wish to compliment you, great…if not that’s great too because they found nothing to complain about…

Please note, some have had the experience that the buyer came back and left either neutral or neg, simply because they got tired of the reminders

If you want bonz to send a FB reminder request

Account Dashboard
Go to Account Settings
Buying and Selling
Check the 4th option…
Send an email reminding a buyer to leave feedback about me (sent a month after transaction closes)

however, if you insist on sending one..perhaps as customseatcreations says…make your own message in your booth settings

PS the one neg I got was from an ebay seller, who purchased left negative, got his money back without sending the item back and then sold it on ebay for 3 time the amount he originally purchased here (easy to follow when they use their ebay ID to purchase, my photos and my description to sell the item)…so as far as I am concerned, I could really care less about feedback, though I do appreciate the recognition for the work I do (and many times that comes as a message instead of FB)…as long as I know I did the best job I could.

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

On the packing slip I write thanks and if you leave feedback, I will reciprocate.

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 72
See daffs60's booth

I believe that I heard before recent changes to Google that your feedback was also going to be a factor in ranking so we had better all get a little more serious about it- I’m the worst but trying to get better!!

answered almost 8 years ago

Many people are in hurry. Some people even don’t concern about giving feedback. But I have a better way to encourage to users to give feedback. We can take KrogerFeedback Customer Satisfaction Survey ([URL removed] as an example. They offer some discount for the next visit if you take the survey for this visit. Everybody will take survey atleast to get discount.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 12

Yes… Now its easy to do give customer feedback is essential :[[URL removed]]

answered almost 5 years ago

Reputation: 12

You need to convince your customers to leave feedback. i don’t find this tool quite as great in terms of customer feedback. You may want to manually outreach your customers to gain their feedback like what kroger does at [URL removed] or may shift to another selling platform like amazon, alibaba, aliexpress etc.

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

Buyers have no time to spend on feedbacks, and sometimes they don’t know where to leave their feedback. But sellers should educate the importance of feedback to the stores. Most of the top companies Kroger, homedepot, are grabbing the customers towards the feedback with survey prize. We can win $5000 by taking the Kroger customer feedback survey 2020 [URL removed] . Kroger is the top supermarket in the USA, which draws in the resident of America with cash sparing offers.

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

Well I must say that this helped me alot and I will come back here to get more latest insights if you get time then do visit this website [URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

I consider all the above.

What i can do tho…whilst the sale first comes thru, there is a section where you may write and thank the client, I write them and thank them for the order, tell them when it’ll ship, and consist of at the cease that if they get a moment after receiving their product in the event that they wouldn’t thoughts to thrill come lower back and depart me remarks as this enables significantly with my business.

And thats it. Then it’s miles as much as them. I dont recognize human beings that hound consumers for remarks. I am in it for the sales, not the remarks. Yes, i want the patron satisfied and could do the entirety i’m able to to ensure they are, and if that
Kroger Feedback
[URL removed]
includes them not leaving fb, then so be it.
Kroger Feedback

I also have to mention I even have return clients that dont go away remarks that’s just first-rate with me.

My thought on all this……You dont walk into wal-mart or a grocery shop and depart feedback for them do you? If we needed to do that, how normally might we go back??
[URL removed]
[URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

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answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

It is good news that sharing feedback about the shopping experience is helpful to store management. To participate in the largest grocery store dollar general feedback survey [URL removed] to win a $100 gift card every week.

answered about 4 years ago

Reputation: 12

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Reputation: 12

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Reputation: 12

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answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 18


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undertess146 says: April 21, 2022

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