Is there still a seller discussion category?

I see community help, games, and promotion. I used to go straight for the seller discussion category but can’t find it.

asked almost 11 years ago

7 Answers

Sadly, there is no longer a seller discussion forum. It was a helpful forum to find out information, learn about selling tools, have questions answered quickly, and get help with new site tools. The discussions were not graded and the comments not limited to 300 characters. I found it to be one of the most helpful and informative forums on Bonanza. I would much rather have that forum than games. There is a Bonanza Facebook group you can join here.
[URL removed]

answered almost 11 years ago

I went away on vacation, and came back to the new Community. I read the blog about it, and found that it was closed down for additional comments. This felt stifling. I am baffled why this happened. The Forums were the best of any site on the web. It’s what makes Bonanza “the place to be”. Any posts that were obnoxious went to Drama. We don’t need to exist with an Alice in Wonderland mentality were no bad happens and everything is perfect, who wants that? I am hopeful that the Boyz will come to their senses and bring back a vibrant and engaged community where everyone has the freedom to voice an opinion.

answered almost 11 years ago

two things I would like to see come back [URL removed]

1. Seller Discussions
2. On A Personal Note


answered almost 11 years ago

I miss the seller discussion too. I agree that it was the best forum on the web, I will check out the forums suggested but am not crazy about visiting another site to see what’s new or going on here.! I might go back to the artfire forum, it was pretty good but the one here was better. I’m not sure why the forum here was changed, it was outstanding before,
cheers, Cathy White

answered almost 11 years ago

The only area for discussion appears to be Fun and Games.

answered almost 11 years ago

I would like to see the Seller discussions back too, I learned a ton from them, and I find the new forum setup confusing to say the least.

answered almost 11 years ago

Thanks everyone for helping, I don’t see why we have to go off-site to learn and talk about information.

answered almost 11 years ago

1 Comment

JohnGrit says: June 21, 2013

Why not discuss seller issues on this community help venue?

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Asked: almost 11 years ago

Latest response: almost 11 years ago

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