I closed my booth a few months ago, got a "sorry to see you go." today i'm informed i sold something on bonanza???

I closed my booth a few months ago and got confirmation from Bonanza at the time, saying “We’re sorry to see you go…” I was having trouble with problems between Bonanza and eBay and with only one or two sales a month on Bonanza, it wasn’t worth the problems to keep Bonanza account active. Today I received an email saying “You’ve sold something on Bonanza!” – WHAT?? How can that be, when I closed my account? Not happy about this. Didn’t make much money on the item and I don’t want to have to deal with this account. When I go to options under my account, the option to close my booth no longer shows (because it SHOULD BE CLOSED…?) HOW DO I GET THE ACCOUNT CLOSED?

asked over 1 year ago

1 Answer

There are two possibilities that come to mind for why this may have happened.
1. Do you have multiple seller accounts (use names) and perhaps closed a different account than VintageTreasures21?

2. Do you still have fees that you owe Bonanza? This is from their HELP page about closing your account or booth.

“You cannot cancel your Bonanza account if you have unshipped orders or an open balance of final value fees. Contact Bonanza Support for assistance with canceling your account if you have unshipped orders or final value fees due. "

Here is that help page https://support.bonanza.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001146392-Cancel-Your-Bonanza-Booth-or-Account

Here’s a quick fix that you can use to take your items off the market… put all of your items on RESERVED status by using the Batch Editor. Here’s how if you are unfamiliar with this


answered over 1 year ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: December 26, 2022

Yep, I would also suggest to put your listings on reserve rather than close your booth. This is coming from an eBay seller. Our minds can change pretty fast with eBay & get frustrated (could happen here also like u just said).Best just to keep them on here behind the scenes in case of this scenario.

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Viewed: 3115 times

Asked: over 1 year ago

Latest response: over 1 year ago

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