Based on your advertising percentage, does your fvf ever run less?

I have my advertising percentage set at 9% max.

For the sales I have received via Google shopping, I’ve never been charged anything less than 9% even though there’s supposed to be a chance the FVF will be less depending on how much Bonanza pays over a period of time for my listing to be advertised in Google shopping.

Once, I had just listed something a few days prior and sold it via Google shopping but the FVF was still 9%. Since pay per clicks cost a small grouping of pennies ([URL removed] 3 cents, 5 cents, etc), it was hard to believe the FVF was already at 9%.

Makes me wonder if we get charged the full advertising percentage we set our booths up at anymore… in my case 9%.

To help with clarity, has anyone else been paying a lessor FVF than what you have your advertising percentage set up to?

Thanks. Just trying to understand.


asked over 5 years ago


abigdogmom says: October 05, 2018

Always 9% for me

Atomicdiner says: October 05, 2018

If I upped into 13 or 19, then that is what I got hit with (never lower). Went back down to 9 because I figured it is too much and would need to raise my prices to cover it. Very seldom get sales from just BONZ itself.

sasswbe says: October 06, 2018

Thanks for posting this – I just checked mine & have been getting charged 13% always so changed it back to 9% cause I don’t & won’t use eBay. Never have. Use to be something else with the 13% but not now so looks like 9% is the best to use. And looks like we’ll always get chgd 9%.

6 Answers

I have received a lower FVF but not recently. What upsets me is even if someone from bonanza buys something, I was charged the full 9%

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

I got one on the 3rd for 3.51%..yes I do get them, but it is usually on newer listed items that have not raked up a lot of views…but not always..had an older listing sell last month with a 3.52%

It is always good to check how many ad views an item has…(You can see it batch edit under advertise items). If the number gets very high, it will bring in the higher percentage.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


EmpressDepot says: October 05, 2018

Cindy, do you know if when an item sells via Google shopping if there is a way to go under batch edit to see how many views it had received during its lifetime of being for sale on Bonanza.

EmpressDepot says: October 05, 2018

Thanks for confirming that you had a recent sale with a lower FVF.

Thanks everyone.

Cindy’s post confirms that a sale via Google shopping can bring in a lower FVF than what we have an advertising percentage set at.

Maybe one day I’ll get one under 9% lol.

Weird thing is that a very short while back I was also seeing an FVF for 9.1% and my advertising is at 9%. I did email in about it and did not get a definite answer as to why this happened several times. I was told I still only got charged 9% FVF even though it showed 9.1%. I did the math on the listing and it did, in fact, come to 9%.

answered over 5 years ago


tomwayne1 says: October 05, 2018

The 9% calculation was probably rounded up to the next highest penny, which could have increased the percentage above 9%. Also, if the sales amount is smaller than $5.56, the percentage can be higher than 9% due to the minimum charge of 50¢ on FVF.

EmpressDepot says: October 05, 2018

Thanks for bringing this up, Tom. Yes, I forgot to make mention of that.

EmpressDepot says: October 05, 2018

TY for the explanation of 9.1%

I’ve never been charged less than 9% and I get very few paid advertising views.

answered over 5 years ago

Hello all, I am set at the 9% advertising max fee. At times I so get the selling fee below 9%. But most times it is at 9% or slightly over I think due to my off dollar pricing and rounding off. I have checked it. The exception is the .50 minimum on a sale where it may be 10%. I list nothing less then 4.95.

answered over 5 years ago

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answered almost 3 years ago

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